Call for papers: Gender, Violence and Forced Migration

31 March 2020 by Jane Freedman
Call for papers for a special issue on Gender, Violence and Forced Migration  

Call for papers for a special issue on Gender, Violence and Forced Migration

While the violence of war, conflict and environmental displacement affects all members of populations, the forms, experiences and consequences of this violence are always gendered and intersectional, affecting diverse categories of people differently. The gender-specific dimension of violence refers to the originating factors, motivations, forms and consequences of violence, and often incorporates all these dimensions. Gender-based violence is also understood as intersectional, i.e. affecting differently and being impacted by multiple, interacting social memberships and identities beyond gender.

This call welcomes empirical research and theoretical analyses of diverse and intersectional forms of gender-based violence within the process of displacement and forced migration in various international contexts

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